CDM has its own research and development division based on significant human potential and professional laboratory equipped with high quality measuring systems. The main tasks of R&D department are to create and introduce new packaging, technological and processing solutions, cooperate with scientific research centres and our Customers in the field of modifying packing solutions, testing and examining new packaging.

CDMs research and development Team is experienced and qualified to carry out professional quality control checks, examine product structures and conduct laboratory tests, as well as support the Customer with technical knowledge and advice in case of any doubts or problems. We constantly develop our R&D department in the area of quality risk management and we always look for the most effective solutions to successfully manage products and services safety.

The team is also continously participating in R&D examinations of current EU projects in realization, at the same time gaining new experience, implementing innovative solutions for flexible packaging and directing our manufacturing activity towards sustainable development caring about the product safety.

The professional Team of specialists combined with modern laboratory and innovative solutions in the field of R&D proves our strength in the area of monitoring and assuring best possible quality of products and services to our Customers.